The following guidelines have been developed to conform with journal requirements.

1. The journal publishes four kinds of papers: Articles, Short Notes, Reviews, and Discussions (Critical Comments). They must not exceed 12, 4, 16 and 4 pages, respectively, including all tables, figures and references. A printed page consists of about 800 words. The author(s) will be requested to pay an additional amount for papers that exceed the allowed number of pages. In addition to scientific papers, Book Reviews and News are considered, provided the length does not exceed one printed page. Articles must be original reports about geothermal research.

2. Typescripts, electronic files, inquiries and all correspondence must be addressed to

The Geothermal Research Society of Japan
c/o Academic Society Assistance Center
3-30-22 Wada, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, 166-8532 Japan
Tel: +81 (3) 5307-1175
Fax: +81 (3) 5307-1196

Author(s) must submit the original manuscript and two copies directly to the Editor-in-chief at the address above. Author(s) can also submit the original manuscript by pdf file as the attached file of e-mail. The date of receipt is the day the Editor-in-chief receives the manuscript. Manuscripts must be complete and final when submitted. Manuscripts are subject to two technical reviews before a decision concerning acceptance by the Editorial Committee. Upon receipt of an acceptance notice from the Editor-in-chief, the author(s) must send the original manuscript, one photocopy, an electronic copy, and electronic files of figures and tables stored in disks (CD, MO or Floppy, etc.) to the Editor-in-chief. The author(s) can also send electronic file of the final manuscript by e-mail and send the two printed manuscript by mail. The format of the electronic file is designated on the acceptance notice from the Editor-in-chief. If a revised version of the manuscript is not submitted to the Editor-in-chief within three months after the reviewed paper with the reviewers' comments were returned to the author(s), the Editorial Committee judges that the manuscript has been withdrawn, unless for reasons approved by the Committee. The original manuscripts will be not returned unless specifically requested by the author(s). In general, articles to be published in the journal must have been previously presented at a past annual meeting of the Society. At least one of the author(s) must be a member of the Society.

3. All manuscripts must be written in English. Typescripts must be double spaced on one side of the paper only, with at least a 2.5 cm margin on both sides. A4 paper (21 x 30 cm) is preferred. The style of the manuscript should be as follows:

(a) The first page of the manuscript must start in the following order: title, author(s), date of presentation, abstract (less than 400 words), and keywords (three to five words). Affiliations and addresses must be included in a footnote. The date of presentation is not necessary for articles that have not been previously presented in an annual meeting of the Society.

(b) The text must be divided into sections, each with a separate heading. Subsections, when needed, must be underlined. Mathematical formulae and equations must be written clearly, with ample space above and below to separate them from the main text. The use of SI units is recommended. Special characters must be typeset in red.

(c) Acknowledgements must be placed before the references.

(d) Reference in the text should be as follows: "White (1970)" or "as shown by earlier studies (Benseman, 1959; Fukutomi, 1959)". In the list of references, the references must be arranged in alphabetical order by authors' names without numbering. Complete references must be given in the following form:

  1. For an article: author(s), year, title of article, title of journal (underlined), volume number, pages. Examples:
    White, D.E. (1970) Geochemistry applied to the discovery, evaluation and exploitation of geothermal energy resources. Geothermics, Special Issue 2, 1, 58-80.
    White, D.E., Muffler, L.J.P. and Truesdell, A.H. (1971) Vapor-dominated hydrothermal systems compared with hot-water systems. Economic Geology, 66, 75-97.
  2. For a book: author(s), year, title of book (underlined), publisher, number of pages. Example:
    Grant, M.A., Donaldson, I.G. and Bixley, P.F. (1982) Geothermal reservoir engineering. Academic Press, 369p.
  3. For a paper in a book: author(s), year, title of paper, title of book, editor(s), publisher, pages. Example:
    Garg, S.K. and Kassoy, D.R. (1981) Convective heat and mass transfer in hydrothermal systems. In: Geothermal Systems, Principles and Case Histories (Rybach, L. and Muffler, L.J.P., eds.), Wiley, 37-76.
  4. For a dissertation: author(s), year, title of paper, degree, university, number of pages. Example:
    Ingebritsen, S.E. (1986) Vapor-dominated zones within hydrothermal convection systems: evolution and natural state. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 179p.
  5. For a content on a website: author(s), year (indicate "website" when the issued year of the content is unknown), title of the page, title of the site, URL, accessed date. Example:
    United States Geological Survey (website) M6.9 - Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan 2012-03-14 09:08:35 UTC. Earthquake Hazards Program,, accessed April 10, 2012

When there are two or more references by the same author published in the same year, the letters a, b, c, etc. must be added to the year for distinction. Page numbers must be included when a portion of a paper, a thesis or a book is cited. For publications in Japanese, the original titles must be retained. A note such as "in Japanese with English abstract" must be added at the end of the reference.

(e) The title and the abstract in Japanese will be provided by the Editor at the end of the text.

(f) Each figure must be provided with an adequate caption. All captions must be written in one or more sheets of paper, double spaced. The location where the figures, tables and photographs must be inserted in the text must be specified in red, with their numbers such as Fig.1, Table 1, and Photo.1 written in the blank space around the printed area on the sheet.

(g) Each figure must be mentioned specifically in the text. Original drawings in Indian ink on white paper are required although glossy photoprints and good quality photocopies are also accepted. The lettering must be large enough to remain legible when reduced. The actual printed size or the reduction rate of a figure must be indicated by pencil in the blank space around the printed area of the sheet.

4.The author(s) will be asked to pay additional charges for foldouts, coated papers and color photographs.

5.The Editorial Committee may advise authors to revise their manuscripts.

6.Page proofs must be returned to the Editor-in-chief within a week from the date of reception. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors.

7.Journal contributors will receive fifty offprints free of charge. Additional offprints, when required, must be ordered when the page proofs are returned. Orders for additional offprints will incur extra charges.

8.The author(s) will be requested to transfer the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher. The manuscript may be reproduced and used elsewhere by the author, provided that the material will not be used for commercial purposes.

9.Other problems not specified in the above guidelines will be handled by the Editorial Committee.